Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Prosper in hope

I have a hope, I have a future
I have a destiny that is yet awaiting me
My life's not over; a new beginning's just begun
I have a hope, I have this hope

God has a plan; it's not to harm me
But it's to prosper me and to hear me when I call
He intercedes for me working all things for my good
Though trials may come we have this hope

I will yet praise Him, my great Redeemer
I will yet stand up and give Him glory with my life
He takes my darkness and He turns it into light
I will yet praise Him, my Lord my God

My God is for me, He's not against me
So tell me whom then, tell me whom then shall I fear
He has prepared for me great works He'll help me to complete
I have a hope I have this hope

Goodness and mercy, they're gonna follow me
And I'll forever dwell in the house of my great King
No eye has ever seen all He's preparing there for me
Though trials may come I have this hope

I will yet praise Him, my great Redeemer
I will yet stand up and give Him glory with my life
He takes my darkness and He turns it into light
I will yet praise Him, my Lord my God

There's still hope for me today
For the God of Heaven loves me

CCLI Song No. 5087587© 2007 Doulos Publishing (Maranatha! Music [Admin. by Music Services])Tommy Walker


For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer. 29:11 NIV)

This Sunday I received news of a friend who had lost a baby at 12 weeks gestation. Because I knew she and her husband were looking forward to this new addition to their family - she and I had talked about it just last week - I also expect she's grieving the loss of this life.

And this week our church interviews the first of our potential new senior pastors. The long process of searching, waiting, preparing, praying has come to this point. We don't know yet whether he's The One, but we are optimistic - or should I say "hopeful."

My friend's hope for this child has been swallowed up by the reality of no heartbeat. Our church's hope for a new pastor is still growing, even if a bit tired around the edges.

But, I think this verse from Jeremiah can speak to both these situations and many more. So, would you join me in praying it over these two situation (and any others you'd like to add)?

God, thank you for knowing us and loving us and caring so much about us that you have plans for our lives. Thank you that you want us to prosper and that your plans are not harmful. Thank you that your plans are for hope and for our futures. God, for my friend who is grieving the loss of this baby, I pray that you would help her to know your comfort and peace. Help her to hear that your plans for her life are for hope, for good, for prosperity, for her future. And for our church we pray the same - prosper us, show us your plans, give us your hope. We pray for clarity in wisdom and discernment as we meet with these potential new pastors. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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