Friday, October 22, 2010

Family hurts

Tonight I talked with someone whose spouse is very unsupportive, even verbally abusive. There are two preschool children in this marriage who watch and absorb this environment. My heart hurts for this situation.

God, you who created all things and said they were good, we pray for each of these parents to be drawn deeply into conviction and relationship with you. We pray for protection for these children - especially emotional and spiritual protection - that they would see themselves as precious children deeply loved by you and that their self image and emotional tanks would be filled by that Truth. We pray for healing in the hearts, minds, spirits, and marriage that I refer to. Oh, Lord God, you who said it is by your Spirit that the mountains would be moved: move in this family. Turn their hard hearts back to you and give them new hearts for you and for each other. This is a family close to my heart, but your heart sees each and every family and knows all families who are hurting. God, we pray for mercy, grace, healing for them. We pray for salvation for all involved. We pray you would draw men and women, boys and girls, into your arms of love. In the name of the healing Jesus, Amen.

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