Monday, March 8, 2021

March 8, 2021 Prayer - Psalms 69-70 for the Downtrodden

 God of the Downtrodden,

With all the universe, the high heavens and everyone on earth, we praise you! We praise your name in song and glorify you with thanksgiving.  Thank you for the goodness of your love and how, in your great mercy, you turn to us and hear our prayers.  Come quickly to save those you love.  Some of us are struggling with a variety of earth-bound struggles, but others of us have hearts torn in two for the state of our nation.  The floods of trouble have risen higher and higher.  The waters of trial are up to our neck and it seems we are about to drown in the storm; we sink into the mud with no place to stand.  We are weary, exhausted with weeping.  We are waiting for you, God, to come through for us because we are misunderstood, insulted, scorned, or even maligned because of our zeal for you and your Kingdom.  When we are afflicted and in pain, falsely accused, and even persecuted, remind us that you hear the needy and do not despise your people.  Instead turn the attacks of our accusers - especially the enemy of our soul - back on them.  May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see and their backs be bent forever.  Pour out your wrath on them; let your fierce anger overtake them.  May those who want to torment us, either as individuals or as a nation, be put to shame and confusion; may all those who desire our ruin be turned back in disgrace. We believe you will renew our strength and restore the weary, broken places in our individual lives and the life of this nation as we seek your power and glory.  Pour out your Holy Spirit for a Great Awakening in this nation and for revival, renewal, and reformation in our individual lives and your Church. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen!

" These floods of trouble have risen higher and higher.
    The water is up to my neck!
    I’m sinking into the mud with no place to stand,
    and I’m about to drown in this storm.
I’m weary, exhausted with weeping.
    My throat is dry, my voice is gone, my eyes are swollen with sorrow,
    and I’m waiting for you, God, to come through for me.
Let all the universe praise him!
    The high heavens and everyone on earth, praise him!
    Let the oceans deep, with everything in them, keep it up!" (Psalm 69:1-3, 34 TPT)

"I am a foreigner to my own family,

    a stranger to my own mother’s children;

for zeal for your house consumes me,

    and the insults of those who insult you fall on me.

When I weep and fast,

    I must endure scorn...

Answer me, Lord, out of the goodness of your love;

    in your great mercy turn to me...

You know how I am scorned, disgraced and shamed;
    all my enemies are before you...

May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see,

    and their backs be bent forever.

Pour out your wrath on them;

    let your fierce anger overtake them.

For they persecute those you wound
    and talk about the pain of those you hurt...

But as for me, afflicted and in pain—

    may your salvation, God, protect me.

I will praise God’s name in song

    and glorify him with thanksgiving." (Psalm 69:8-10, 16, 19, 23-24, 26, 29-30 NIV)

"Hasten, O God, to save me;

    come quickly, Lord, to help me.

May those who want to take my life

    be put to shame and confusion;

may all who desire my ruin

    be turned back in disgrace.

May those who say to me, “Aha! Aha!”

    turn back because of their shame.

But may all who seek you

    rejoice and be glad in you;

may those who long for your saving help always say,

    “The Lord is great!”

But as for me, I am poor and needy;

    come quickly to me, O God.

You are my help and my deliverer;

    Lord, do not delay." (Psalm 71 NIV)

"Though all your wanderings wearied you, you never said, ‘I give up.’ Your strength was renewed so that you did not faint." (Isaiah 57:10 TPT)

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