Monday, August 24, 2009


Leave it to God to redeem some skubalon from my life and turn it into good. :)

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Gen 50:20 NIV)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Rom. 8:28 NIV)

Several weeks ago I reconnected with two guys from many years ago in my life. I remember both of them with a certain amount of skubalon attached to the memories. But God has a way of seeing things differently. In the course of getting to know one of them now (we hadn't talked in 15 years), I learned his mom and sister each died suddenly and tragically within a few years of each other. That combined with a few other details led me to encourage him to seek out godly men to pray with.

After that conversation I realized I wasn't thinking about the skubalon, but instead of who he is now, someone who (like all of us) has pain and dreams and frustrations and joys and challenges and ... well, life. While I could point him toward God, I also realized that God had worked in me. God had redeemed something that had been harmful skubalon and changed it to be used for good. God had redeemed this part of my memory and sealed it with a new understanding of God's grace and mercy.

Reminds me of a song. (You're probably not surprised.):

"God Has Come" by Glenn Packiam

When darkness falls and sorrow finds me
This joy I know comes in the morning

When all seems lost and strength is fading
This hope I've found is everlasting, everlasting

Now faith is here and strength is rising
This grace You've shown is so amazing, so amazing

Our God has come to save
He holds us in His hands
His promise will remain
His Kingdom has no end
God has come, God has come

© 2008 Integrity's Hosanna! Music

Thank you, God of power and might, for being a God who redeems us, your broken ones. Thank you for not seeing us as broken, but because of Christ we know you see us as whole and beautiful children. Thank you for your work turning things intended for harm into things you can use for Kingdom purposes. Thank you for the blessings of your presence, your grace, your mercy, and your joy, peace, and strength. Embolden us to live as redeemed, called, and precious children of yours. Amen.

By the way - I heard something tonight that went something like this:

Anything anyone could call or label me in this life is nothing when compared to being called "Sinner" by God. Anything anyone could say good about me in this life is nothing when compared to being called "Child" by God.

Peace to you this day.

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