Monday, November 23, 2009

Wisdom & healing

There seem to be two themes in my life right now. First is that of seeking God's wisdom and guidance for decisions to be made. Second is that of needing healing. These themes manefest themselves in different ways - a friend whose mother was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has "weeks or months" left - wanting God's choice for the new lead pastor at our church - another friend whose husband and two children are ill right now - our family needing to make a major decision based on faith ... wisdom, healing. Healing, wisdom. God. It all ties in together.

Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near....My word that goes out from my mouth...will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. (Isa. 55:6, 11 NIV)

God of Wisdom, Mercy, and Peace,
In many corners of this world people are facing decisions, health crisis, and/or death to this life. Pour out the power of your Spirit into those places. Pour out mercy, healing, and peace upon those struggling with health or end-of-life issues. Pour out wisdom, knowledge, guidance, and peace upon those seeking your way. We claim your promise that your word will not return empty but will accomplish your desires and achieve your purposes. May we seek first your Kingdom and call upon you who is always near for your honor and for the futherance of your Church's ministry here on earth. In the powerful name of Christ we pray.


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