Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Suspended time

Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. (Luke 2:25 NIV)

They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, "Sit here while I pray." He took Peter, James and John along with him, and he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death," he said to them. "Stay here and keep watch." (Mark 14:32-34 NIV)

Today is Holy Tuesday for Christians, which means...well, what? It's the Tuesday between Palm Sunday and Easter and there are lectionary readings assigned for this day. But, I was thinking today that Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday of Holy Week are kind of like suspended time for us - nothing much going on yet.

There are other instances where time seems suspended.

In the suspended time of what seemed to be slow motion, I watched an elderly woman fall backwards down the steps.

In the suspended time as Job listened to the "advice" of his "friends," he didn't know if or when his trials would be over.

In the suspended time of decades of faithfulness, Abraham and Sarah did not know how God would fulfill his promise to give them descendants.

In the suspended time of waiting and wondering, the family of the Iraqi-American contractor kidnapped in Iraq did not know if or when their loved one would be returned.

There's a saying in the church: "It's Friday, but Sunday's coming." In this instance we equate the Friday with the crucifixion or some life calamity. And we equate Sunday with the resurrection or relief from the calamity. But the original friends of the earthly Jesus did not know on Saturday that "Sunday's coming." They knew only that Jesus was dead. Dead as in beaten, crucified, pierced. Dead as in "in the tomb." Dead. That was Saturday. The first day of a world without Jesus. The first day of time suspended.

Two thousand years later we know that the Jesus story does not end there. By Sunday there is an empty tomb, empty gravecloths, an angel messenger, some women & some disciples running to tell the others that Jesus is alive. And that is good news.

But, go back with me for a moment to the suspended time of Saturday.

How would you pray?

What would you do?

What would you say to other believers?

There are people in this world today who live in such suspended time. A variety of circumstances, choices, or attitudes mean they are living in "Friday" and have no idea if or when there will be "Sunday."

Hear these words of the Psalmist:

1 The Lord is my light and the one who saves me.
So why should I fear anyone?
The Lord protects my life.
So why should I be afraid?
2 Evil people may try to destroy my body.
My enemies and those who hate me attack me,
but they are overwhelmed and defeated.
3 If an army surrounds me,
I will not be afraid.
If war breaks out,
I will trust the Lord.
4 I ask only one thing from the Lord.
This is what I want:
Let me live in the Lord's house
all my life.
13 I truly believe
I will live to see the Lord's goodness.
14 Wait for the Lord's help.
Be strong and brave,
and wait for the Lord's help. (Psalm 27 NCV)

So, today we pray for people - including ourselves - living in suspended time....

Creator God who spoke and there was a universe, who set the planets into motion, who knows the number of hairs on our heads: thank you for being all powerful, all knowing, and more than able to rescue your children. Thank you for the strong examples of people like Simeon, Abraham, and Sarah who, no matter their faults, trusted in your promises. Help us to also be filled with your Holy Spirit and trust in your promises. Thank you for the examples of people like Peter, James, and John who, no matter what their strengths, still abandoned you when you asked them to wait with you. Help us to learn from times we turn our backs on you and, instead, to stay close to you.

God, there are many people in this world, including ourselves, who are living in suspended time. It's Friday but they (we) don't know when or if Sunday will come. So, for those looking for jobs...facing surgeries....searching for lost loved ones...praying for children who are not believers...waiting for unborn babies...searching for a new pastor...waiting medical tests...and for so much more...

So, today we pray for people - including ourselves - living in suspended time....Help us to trust and live out your promises.

You are our light and the one who saves us. You are the Lord who protects our lives. Why should we be afraid? Let us live in your house all our lives. We truly believe we will live to see the Lord's goodness. We wait for the Lord's help. We will be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord's help. We trust that even if today is Friday, Sunday is coming.... In the strong name of Christ we pray: AMEN.

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