Thursday, December 2, 2010


I have not written a blog entry for over a month. That doesn't mean I haven't been praying, but I am more and more praying "in sighs too deep for words." God is calling me to a deeper place, something I can only work out with him. So, for now I will not plan to write for the blog. I will only wait for the Lord and see where this part of my journey goes...

Monday, October 25, 2010


O LORD, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done marvelous things,
things planned long ago.

In that day they will say,
"Surely this is our God;
we trusted in him, and he saved us.
This is the LORD, we trusted in him;
let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation." (Isa. 25 NIV)

This past weekend I traveled out of state to visit my parents, sisters, and their families. In the process of the weekend visit I was thinking about an upcoming worship series at our church that, in part, talks about the end times. And I was grieving for the selfishness and pain and sorrow in our world.

While I know that all these things are the norm in a "bent" world (CS Lewis's term), I also know that they will be eliminated only after Christ's return and the start of the New Heaven and New Earth. In the meantime, there are millions of people languishing in sin, sorrow, selfishness, and without the trust in Christ for their future. Would you join me in praying for their salvation?


O LORD, you are our God; We will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.

You said you want to draw all people to you - that you want all to be saved from eternity without you. We claim that promise for these loved ones and friends that we name now ....

....for my cousin and her family - that they would know Jesus as the Messiah they have awaited
...for my uncle, aunt, and cousin - that they would come back to the Truth, Way, and Life you offer
...for my relative whose "fruit" is destructive in the family - replace that heart of stone with a heart for your love alone and let it then flow out to bless the family

... We pray that your salvation would spring up within them, that they would be drawn by your Spirit into your arms of love. We pray they would accept this gift of grace you offer to them and trust you for their salvation, their purpose, their healing, and their abundant life lived in you. We pray they would then rejoice in their salvation and live lives pleasing and honoring to your Kingdom. Lord Jesus, it's in your name we pray....Amen.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Family hurts

Tonight I talked with someone whose spouse is very unsupportive, even verbally abusive. There are two preschool children in this marriage who watch and absorb this environment. My heart hurts for this situation.

God, you who created all things and said they were good, we pray for each of these parents to be drawn deeply into conviction and relationship with you. We pray for protection for these children - especially emotional and spiritual protection - that they would see themselves as precious children deeply loved by you and that their self image and emotional tanks would be filled by that Truth. We pray for healing in the hearts, minds, spirits, and marriage that I refer to. Oh, Lord God, you who said it is by your Spirit that the mountains would be moved: move in this family. Turn their hard hearts back to you and give them new hearts for you and for each other. This is a family close to my heart, but your heart sees each and every family and knows all families who are hurting. God, we pray for mercy, grace, healing for them. We pray for salvation for all involved. We pray you would draw men and women, boys and girls, into your arms of love. In the name of the healing Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


1Open your ears to my teachings, my people.
Turn your ears to the words from my mouth.
2I will open my mouth to illustrate points.
I will explain what has been hidden long ago,
3things that we have heard and known about,
things that our parents have told us.
4We will not hide them from our children.
We will tell the next generation
about the
Lord’s power and great deeds
and the miraculous things he has done.

5He established written instructions for Jacob’s people.
He gave his teachings to Israel.
He commanded our ancestors to make them known to their children
6so that the next generation would know them.
Children yet to be born would learn them.
They will grow up and tell their children
7to trust God, to remember what he has done,
and to obey his commands.
(Ps. 78 GW)

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to you enough to make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who blessed Your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy

Several months ago a man from our church had seen the movie "Bucket List" and was talking about his "bucket list" - the things he wanted to do before his time on Earth was over. I've never actually written such a list, but could make a list of the people I hope to influence for Christ's Kingdom. Recently I was thinking about how we as Christians build into others. Who are the people we are encouraging in the faith? How are we praying for the unsaved? How are we demonstrating God's mercy and grace to the lost and downtrodden? Are we (am I) loving and leaving a legacy that people will remember - not for me but for God's glory? As I ponder these things and think about the Psalm 78 scripture and Nicole Nordeman's song "Legacy," I must turn again to prayer....

God of mercy and grace, we pray you would open our ears to your teachings and turn our ears to your Word. Help us to know you and to tell others about your power, great deeds, and your miracles. Give us knowledge and courage to share your story, salvation, and grace with all those around us. We want our peers, our children, and our children's children so that all will hear the Good News of your love. We want to leave legacies of love, mercy, and grace so that people see YOU within us. May your Kingdom come and our lives be lived for your Glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.

"LEGACY" by Nicole Nordeman

I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all the who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best
At such 'n wouldn't matter much

I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an "Atta boy" or "Atta girl"
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
the temporary trappings of this world

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love?
Did I point to you enough to make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who blessed Your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy

I don't have to look too far or too long awhile
To make a lengthy list of all that I enjoy
It's an accumulating trinket and a treasure pile
Where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon destroy


Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred
Just want to hear instead, "Well done" good and faithful one

Monday, October 11, 2010


For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 (KJV)

You are the GOD who does wonders; You have made known Your strength among the peoples. (Ps. 77:14)

Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." (John 13:7 NIV)

When I was in seminary in the mid-1990's the large mainline denominational church of which I was a part was (collectively) bemoaning how it had shrunk since the 1950's - that children weren't coming back to the church, evangelism efforts were spotty at best, and the great buildings that had been built during that era had a mostly older fraction of the former population.

There are many factors that have contributed to this "decline" - some obvious ones being the demographic impact of the Baby Boomers, the rise of anti-religious rhetoric in the popular culture, and the resistance of people to established institutions. Yet, while many of the statistics mainline churches (and others) see as negative, I see as God the Holy Spirit continuing to move in different churches, missions, ministries - in different ways - to continue the work of the Kingdom and spreading of the Gospel. Perhaps I am right (or partly right or wrong or partly wrong...) but, at any rate, what we see and understand is not necessarily how God sees things.

Tonight I talked to a close friend of mine whose early-30-something daughter is in the hospital, possibly with a small stroke or even undiagnosed multiple sclerosis. The mother is tired and trying not to "borrow trouble," but you can hear the worry in her heart. This family has been through five or six years of medical problems and are wondering if they are now back on that roller coaster. Why her? Why again? we wonder.

We probably each have examples of things we don't understand. For as much as the Bible tells us about God, it still leaves a great deal of space for the mystery of God. Perhaps this 200 year old hymn will help us find some resolution:

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.

His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain. (William Cowper)

So, God, we pray that we would seek your face when we are trapped in mysterious places. When we are seemingly lost, please find us. When we are struggling with what seems like a breaking down of sacred or secure things, help us trust you in that process. When we are discouraged or despairing help us to look to you for our help - that you would be our shield, watching over us and protecting us. When we are tasting something bitter, help us to look to you for the sweet flower. God, continue to reassure us of our security in you, even as we watch you move in mysterious ways. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

On the move

1He came to Derbe and then to Lystra, where a disciple named Timothy lived, whose mother was a Jewess and a believer, but whose father was a Greek.

4As they traveled from town to town, they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey.

6Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.

11From Troas we put out to sea and sailed straight for Samothrace, and the next day on to Neapolis. 12From there we traveled to Philippi, a Roman colony and the leading city of that district of Macedonia. And we stayed there several days. (Acts 16 NIV)

My evening bible reading right now is somewhere in the middle of the book of Acts, a book that is largely about the apostles being on the move and spreading the Gospel. The Holy Spirit directed these early disciples to teach, preach, and travel telling everyone they could about the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. And scripture records huge numbers of people being saved - 2000 here, 3000 there - and tells stories of specific people like Timothy or Lydia.

Our whole church staff is 'on the move' this week. The four ministry staff persons are traveling to a church conference 13 hours away and our administrative assistant and her husband are preparing to move to Australia to continue in missions work there. Each in their own ways are like God's call to Abram: "Go to the place I will show you."

So I pray for them:

God, I pray for safety as each of them travel...
...for their families that will be here at home...
...for new learning and direction you will give them...
...for development of godly relationships on their journeys...
...for protection over their hearts, souls, minds, bodies, and families...
...that these places where they are on the move - physically or with new ideas in ministry - would be places where your Spirit has already laid the groundwork for your Word and Kingdom to be proclaimed and furthered...
Maranatha, Lord Jesus Come. Amen

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chron. 7:14 NIV)

Ever been 'busted' by God? I got busted a couple of nights ago about my attitude toward our political "leaders" -- and convicted that instead of raging against the machine, I should be praying.

Not the first thing I wanted to do.

But, check this out from Paul's second letter to Timothy:

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. (2:1-4 NLT)

And then I read this in a book of blessings to read over your children:

I bless you with authority in prayer that transforms the leaders over you. May your authorities grow to have high values because of your intercession for them. May your authorities learn how to skillfully lead those under them according to those values. I bless you with living in a peaceful community because of the high values of its leaders. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bless you.*

So, still rather unenthusiastically, I have begun anew to pray for our political/civic leaders. I know that prayer is our best weapon against the ungodliness, foolishness, and hurtful spite in our political system - turning these things meant for evil into prayer that leaders and authorities would be turned toward and tuned into God's heart and wisdom.

As you know, we are coming up to a massively important midterm election. Would you join with me in praying for our current leaders, the decisions we the electorate are going to make Nov. 2 and the future of our nation?

Lord, You have told us
Lord, You have promised
That if Your people would pray
That You would hear from heaven
And You would send Your mercy
And touch us with Your strong healing hand

So we're calling out to You
Crying out to You
Forgive us of our sin
Heal our land
As we seek Your holy face
We turn from all our wicked ways
Hear from heaven even now
As we pray**

God, we pray for all those in political leadership and authority over us - from our local governments, through our county and state, and including the federal government. We pray for each person, asking that your Spirit would draw them to you and that they would seek first your wisdom for the decisions they make. We give thanks for people who are willing to serve in leadership and pray that this leadership would be in Spirit-led, God-ordained directions. We seek to live peaceful and quiet lives and know that our governments' decisions can have a huge impact on that . We pray that if any of these officials do not yet know the love, grace, and joy of Jesus Christ that you would even now be working on their heart and spirit so they may know your truth and come into your kingdom.

We pray for the transformation of our governmental bodies into healthy, God-honoring, dignified units. May these authorities grow to have high values because of their relationships with you. May they learn how to skillfully lead others according to godly values. May our community, county, state, and nation be peaceful because of the godly integrity and values you have placed within them.

Forgive us when we do not want to pray as you call us to. Help our nation turn to you for its hope and salvation. Heal us of all unrighteousness and selfishness.

We pray in the name of Christ...heal our land. Amen.

* from Pure Joy by Crystal Wade & Arthur Burk p. 64.
**"Calling Out To You" by Tommy Walker
© 2001 Doulos Publishing (Admin. by Maranatha! Music)
CCLI Song No. 3431898

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


All I ever want to be
Is what You want of me
Lord I give my life to You
And all my hopes and dreams and plans
I place within Your hands
Lord and give my life to You

Here am I Lord use me
Take my life and mold me
All I ever want to be
Is what You want of me
Lord I give my life to You*

Our new pastor started the first of September and has preached three Sundays now. Whether people are "coming back" to church because summer is over or because Pastor New has started, I don't know. But the building has certainly seemed more full the past two weeks. Both weeks I've asked the person next to me and they've agreed there are 'new faces' around. While this, on the surface, is good, it also means some people are displaced from their normal seat.

Have you ever noticed that you can generally find people in the same area of church, if not the same seats, week after week? Usually takes something like a visitor or special occasion to uproot you from your Standard Area. These last two weeks I've noticed some people far, far away from their Standard Areas. (And that's good!) Our worship service should be a place where visitors, guests, and returning folks can find a seat - even if it displaces us from our Standard Area.

I was thinking about this concept of displacement as it applies to life. Sometimes we just feel displaced by minor things - like the new self checks in the grocery store that means there are few lines available for you to find a Real Person for help. But sometimes we get displaced by bigger things - a cross country move, a marriage, a kid problem, caring for a parent. And sometimes God intentionally "displaces" us like he did with Abram:

The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you." (Gen. 12:1 NLT)

"To the land that I will show you" is a little vague to my type-A-ness. I'd like more information, please: Where are we going? When will we get there? How will we travel? What do I pack? Who will be there? While this verse answers pieces of these questions, it certainly left Abram with a choice - do I listen to God? do I trust God enough to do this? do I allow God to "displace" me? OR do I decide I'm crazy, hearing voices, or just be downright stubborn and say NO WAY?

We know that Abram packed, left, went, and was blessed. He stepped out in faith - allowed himself to be displaced from all he knew - and God heaped many, many blessings upon him. His story is not simple but his faith in God is evident.

My prayer is that we would be people willing to be displaced...willing to say "yes" when God calls us to go to places he "will show us"....willing to be still and quiet so we can hear God's to recognize the gentle leading of a God who loves us and challenges us sometimes to be displaced...

So, we give our lives into your hands, once again, allowing you to displace us as necessary, God....Amen.

*CCLI Song No. 3322103 "All I Ever Want to Be"
© 2000 Lorenz Publishing Company (a div. of the Lorenz Corporation)
by Nathan Carter

Monday, September 13, 2010

Listen to your children praying

Lord, listen to Your children praying,
Lord, send Your spirit in this place;
Lord, listen to Your children praying,
Send us love, send us pow'r, send us grace!

Something's gonna happen
Like the world has never known
When the people of the Lord
Get down to pray.
A door's gonna swing open,
And the walls come atumblin' down,
When the people of the Lord
Get down to pray.

Lord, listen to Your children praying,
Lord, send Your spirit in this place;
Lord, listen to Your children praying,
Send us love, send us pow'r, send us grace!

And He's gonna take over,
And He's gonna take control,
He's gonna move the mountains,
Make the waters roll,
When the people of the Lord
Get down to pray.

Lord, listen to Your children praying,
Lord, send Your spirit in this place;
Lord, listen to Your children praying,
Send us love, send us pow'r, send us grace!

You're gonna know it
When the Lord stretches out His hand
And the people of the Lord get down to pray
There's gonna be a brand new song
Of victory in this land
When the people of the Lord get down to pray

Lord listen to Your children praying
Lord send Your Spirit in this place
Lord listen to Your children praying
Send us love send us power send us grace *

I will save you from the stories of why I'm wrestling with this now, but I will say a couple of things. First, I am "ongoingly" convicted by the call to be an imitator of Christ. And second, I have been challenged recently about the strength of my relationship with God, especially as it has to do with what has been termed a "prayer life." So, I start with a song almost as old as me, but definitely worth hearing again, then move to examples of this Christ we profess to follow, then move to prayer....

... Now it was in those days that Jesus went to a mountain to pray, and he spent the
whole night in prayer to God. ... (Luke 6:12)

... About eight days after he had said this, Jesus took Peter, John,
and James with him and went up a mountain to pray. ... (Luke 9:28)

... Then Jesus went with them to the olive grove called Gethsemane, and
he said, "Sit here while I go over there to pray." ... (Mt.26:36)

... Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and
went out to an isolated place to pray. ... (Mark 1:35)

... But Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray. ... But
he went away by himself to a waste place for prayer. ... (Luke 5:16)

Imitate me as I imitate Christ. (1 Cor. 11:1 GW)

Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, power, and grace. Give us not just the knowledge that it's important to pray, but a heart that wants to spend time with you, and a will that makes it happen. Make us more like Jesus we pray....Amen.

* "Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying" by Ken Medema (c) 1973 Hope Publ.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A new school year

I will open my mouth in parables,
I will utter hidden things, things from of old-

3 what we have heard and known,
what our fathers have told us.

4 We will not hide them from their children;
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,
his power, and the wonders he has done.

5 He decreed statutes for Jacob
and established the law in Israel,
which he commanded our forefathers
to teach their children,

6 so the next generation would know them,
even the children yet to be born,
and they in turn would tell their children.

7 Then they would put their trust in God
and would not forget his deeds

but would keep his commands. (Ps. 78 NIV)

"Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." (I Cor. 11:1 NIV)

Last week we "officially" began to educate our children at home. Truthfully, we started teaching them about God's love, caring for other people, using "nice words," letters, numbers, and a whole host of other things long before last week. But, as the public and private students prepared to return to school this coming week, we began our journey with homeschooling. Our first week went really, really well and I'm anticipating another fun week, spending time with my kids exploring God's word and God's world.

Tonight I read three post from friends on Facebook who were bemoaning their sons' first days of kindergarten tomorrow - watching them get on the bus - feeling sorry they are going. I also read posts from teachers preparing to start a new year. And I read in the news about all the many struggles around public education today. There are no "perfect solutions" for our nation and the next generations. But, my mother's heart knows that we have made the right decision - I'd go so far to say we've answered God's call - to teach our children at home. The reasons are many, the road will not be easy, but we trust God for wisdom, strength, and provision.

I bring these things up today because I believe we need to pray for the education of our children. So....

God, we pray...
...that our children would know your salvation
...that they would have godly friendships and relationships
...that students would be physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe in their school environments
...that parents would seek to be spiritual leaders in their homes and teach their children the ways of the Lord
...that we would not allow busy-ness, indifference, laziness, poverty, or any "ism" to keep children from becoming the fullness of who God has created them to be
......that even as secular humanists try to insert godlessness into our public schools, a generation would rise up and proclaim Christ in the midst of the darkness
...that their teachers would be men and women after Your own heart who are following Your example so their students can follow them
...that our children would know the wondrous deeds of the Lord so they can proclaim them to the next generation, the next, and the next ...for the Glory of Christ we pray....Amen

Monday, August 30, 2010

Noah, Abraham, and Volumes

Tonight I was reading to my older kids a book by Jerry Pinkney entitled "Noah's Ark". This is a book filled with the biblical story of Noah and beautiful illustrations. As we were reading I found myself asking some odd questions. They were told to take food and water into the ark for themselves and all the animals. They were in the ark for a year. How much did they have to store up? Did God just make it last, like he turned water to wine or fed 5000? What about Noah's daughters-in-laws' families? Evidently God deemed them "evil," but did Noah's family grieve their loss? Did God tell Noah to bring seeds? Otherwise, how would Noah have begun to be able to feed his family after the flood? What did they DO for over a year with all those animals? Yes, feeding and cleaning pens alone would take a chunk of the day, but after that...? Gin rummy?

I was thinking of how God had told Noah some very specific instructions on what to do - dimensions for ark, type of wood, how to provide for animals, etc. - and even told him it would rain 40 days and nights. But did Noah realize how long it would take for 40 days of rain to recede and the ground to dry up again? On the other hand, God gave Noah a lot more information than the Bible records about Abraham's call, just a few chapters later:

The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.

2 "I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you."

4 So Abram left, as the LORD had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran. 5 He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had accumulated and the people they had acquired in Haran, and they set out for the land of Canaan, and they arrived there. (Gen. 12 NIV)

Somehow, "Leave...and go to where I will show you" seems to have a lot less detail included. Maybe Noah's instructions had to be more detailed because he held the fate of all animal species in his boat. Maybe Abraham had more faith and needed less information. Either way, God called each of these men and they, in faith, obeyed God.

This weekend our church installed our new senior pastor. In passing the outgoing interim pastor mentioned that our church was beginning a new "chapter in life - no, maybe a new volume." I think this latter description is probably the better one. After 19 years of fruitful ministry under the original pastor, then 2 years of fruitful ministry under interim pastors, our church is, indeed, beginning a new volume in life.

I'd like to think that, like Abraham, our call includes trusting of God and stepping out in faith. And I would like to think that, like Noah, we also will get some details as we go. But, unlike the Bible stories whose endings we already know, our "volume" is still being written. Unlike 3 chapters in Genesis that tell Noah's story, our story is still unfolding. We may have our "go where I will show you" orders, but not know the where, how, when.

Thankfully, God gave Noah and Abraham all they needed - and God gives us all we need.

Merciful God,

Thank you for your provision, your grace, your plans for our future with hope, your plans to prosper us. Thank you for watching over the details and sending men like Noah and Abraham to be examples of how we can trust you and walk in faith where you will show us. Give us the hearts and spirits to know your voice, the courage to go, and the patience to wait when we need to wait. Give us joy for the journey and meet all our needs we pray. In the name of Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." (Lk. 19:10 NIV)

The King Is Coming

Oh the King is coming
The King is coming
I just heard the trumpet sounding
And now His face I see
Oh the King is coming
The King is coming
Praise God He's coming for me*

This summer I started reading daily devotions from a book of Martin Luther's writings, "Faith Alone," edited by James C. Galvin. I want to better understand the Lutheran theology that's so influenced our world and the heritage passed down to the church our family joined three years ago. Plus I recognize Luther as a great biblical scholar and theologian and I wanted some good substance to read.

Several days ago I came to reading I couldn't quite get past, so I've been "stuck" there. I share it with you as a prayer - that God would help us to really, truly, fully "get" this thing called grace.

..."If we're to receive it at all, God's grace and his kingdom with all its virtues must come to us. We will never be able to go to him. In the same way, Christ came to us - from heaven down to earth. We didn't go up to him from earth to heaven..." (August 14)

God, thank you for seeking and saving us. Thank you for revealing yourself to each of us, especially after we have turned away from you. We know we could never be able to reach you and we praise you for loving us so much you came - and will come again - for us. Help us to understand in the depths of our being that we cannot do anything to get to you. Help us to trust you from the depths of our being and to live in the wonder of your grace poured out on us and through us. Help that gift of grace be shared with all those around us for your honor and glory. May your Kingdom come and your will be done. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

* CCLI Song No. 3477
© 1970 William J. Gaither, Inc. ARR UBP of Gaither Copyright Management
Charles Milhuff | Gloria Gaither | William J. Gaither

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (I Thes. 5:18 NASB)

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. (Ps. 28:7 NIV)

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. (Ps. 118:1 NIV)

"I Give Thanks To You" *

For the first morning light
For the birds when they fly
For the clouds when they hang
Up so high in the sky
For Your glory I see in a sweet baby's smile
I give thanks

For those times when I've laughed
With my family and friends
For the times when I've cried
Sensed Your spirit again
For Your love that I find when Your praises I send
I give thanks I give thanks

For my clothes and my bed a roof over my head
And a piping hot meal when our table is set
For a walk on the beach
Where Your beauty is seen
I give thanks

For the sound of the saints
When they all join in
And proclaim You are God the forgiver of sin
For this hope in my heart
That forever I'm Yours
I give thanks I give thanks

I give thanks to You I give thanks oh Lord
For everything You give
For everything I have
I give thanks to You I give thanks oh Lord
For all these perfect gifts
They have come from You
So I give thanks

For this breath that I breath
For my eyes that can see
Beaming sunsets and stars
Mountains valleys and trees
For the years that You've shown
Only kindness to me
I give thanks

For the stripes that You bore
So that I could be healed
For the crown that You wore
So that I could be free
For Your blood that You shed
Given freely for me
I give thanks I give thanks
I give thanks I give thanks
I give thanks I give thanks

Over the weekend several things got me thinking about being grateful. I won't go into all the details, but here are a few things I came up with in no particular order:

  • To live in an era when I'm not responsible for raising and storing food for me and my family
  • The means, intelligence, and equipment to have access to email and Internet
  • The Truth of the Gospel
  • Kind nurses named Laura
  • A child born a bit early and quite tiny that, two years later, is starting to recognize his letters
  • Roasted pecan crackers
  • A home for our family
  • Pleasant weather & beautiful sunshine
  • Children's bodies that function correctly to cry, smile, eat, and, yes, fill diapers
  • The Hope of Eternity where there will be no more evil
You probably have some things - little or large - that you have on your mind.

It may seem strange to be talking about Thankfulness when Thanksgiving is three months away. But our modern Thanksgiving has largely lost the depth and humility of the first one - when a group of settlers had lived through a horrendous winter and death took so many of their group, and then the natives helped to save them from sure starvation that next year. We don't "get" that kind of thankfulness when our Thanksgiving is about family, overeating, traveling, football, Black Friday, or a day off. So, I propose that today - on a beautiful August 2010 day - we take a moment to express our thanks to God. Will you join me?

Providing, Saving, Loving God, we thank you for.....

* CCLI Song No. 5614390
© 2009 WeMobile Music by
Tommy Walker

Monday, August 9, 2010

"To the Ends of the Earth"

Love unfailing
Overtaking my heart
You take me in
Finding peace again
Fear is lost in all You are

And I would give the world
To tell Your story
'Cause I know that You've called me
I know that You've called me
I've lost myself for good
Within Your promise
And I won't hide it
I won't hide it

Jesus I believe in You
And I would go
To the ends of the earth
To the ends of the earth
For You alone are the Son of God
And all the world will see
That You are God
That You are God

Tonight's blog/prayer entry is simply based on Isaiah 66:

1This is what the Lord says:

Heaven is my throne.
The earth is my footstool.
Where can you build a house or resting place for me?
2I have made all these things.
“That is why all these things have come into being,”
declares the
I will pay attention to those
who are humble and sorry for their sins
and who tremble at my word.

18Because of their actions and their thoughts,
I am coming to gather the nations of every language.
They will come and see my glory.

They will tell about my glory among the nations.

22“The new heaven and earth that I am about to make
will continue in my presence,” declares the
“So your descendants and your name
will also continue in my presence.
23From one month to the next and from one week to the next
all people will come to worship me,
” declares the Lord. (Isa. 66 GW)

Great Big God,

Hear our prayers of confession ... forgive our us from our sinful nature. We join with all of heaven and believers on Earth in proclaiming your glory, your grace, your salvation. You said you are coming for us, and we believe, Lord! We claim your promises and stand on the truth of your Word. Gather us and all believers in all times and places into unity for your Kingdom. May your children rise up and worship you wholeheartedly. We pray for those in our world who need to come to salvation, who need your healing, your freedom, your love, your power. We pray especially for those who are far, far away from you and pray that by your Spirit you would draw them into your arms, break their hearts of stone, and give them hearts for you alone. Help us to be light-bearers and truth-speakers and love-givers in our local world and in the greater world beyond our community. Give us courage to go to the ends of the earth with the good news of salvation in Jesus. In his name we pray, Amen.

"You Said"

You said
Ask and you will receive
Whatever you need
You said pray and I'll hear from heaven
And I'll heal your land

You said
Your glory will fill the earth
Like water the sea
You said
Lift up your eyes
The harvest is here
The kingdom is here

You said
Ask and I'll give the nations to you
O Lord that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands
Will see Your light as it rises on us
Oh Lord I ask for the nations...

© 1998 Hillsong Publishing (Admin. in U.S. & Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
by Reuben Morgan

To the Ends of the Earth -
- Joel Houston & Marty Sampson 2002 Hillsong Publishing (Admin. in U.S. & Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music)