Tuesday, August 17, 2010


In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (I Thes. 5:18 NASB)

The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. (Ps. 28:7 NIV)

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. (Ps. 118:1 NIV)

"I Give Thanks To You" *

For the first morning light
For the birds when they fly
For the clouds when they hang
Up so high in the sky
For Your glory I see in a sweet baby's smile
I give thanks

For those times when I've laughed
With my family and friends
For the times when I've cried
Sensed Your spirit again
For Your love that I find when Your praises I send
I give thanks I give thanks

For my clothes and my bed a roof over my head
And a piping hot meal when our table is set
For a walk on the beach
Where Your beauty is seen
I give thanks

For the sound of the saints
When they all join in
And proclaim You are God the forgiver of sin
For this hope in my heart
That forever I'm Yours
I give thanks I give thanks

I give thanks to You I give thanks oh Lord
For everything You give
For everything I have
I give thanks to You I give thanks oh Lord
For all these perfect gifts
They have come from You
So I give thanks

For this breath that I breath
For my eyes that can see
Beaming sunsets and stars
Mountains valleys and trees
For the years that You've shown
Only kindness to me
I give thanks

For the stripes that You bore
So that I could be healed
For the crown that You wore
So that I could be free
For Your blood that You shed
Given freely for me
I give thanks I give thanks
I give thanks I give thanks
I give thanks I give thanks

Over the weekend several things got me thinking about being grateful. I won't go into all the details, but here are a few things I came up with in no particular order:

  • To live in an era when I'm not responsible for raising and storing food for me and my family
  • The means, intelligence, and equipment to have access to email and Internet
  • The Truth of the Gospel
  • Kind nurses named Laura
  • A child born a bit early and quite tiny that, two years later, is starting to recognize his letters
  • Roasted pecan crackers
  • A home for our family
  • Pleasant weather & beautiful sunshine
  • Children's bodies that function correctly to cry, smile, eat, and, yes, fill diapers
  • The Hope of Eternity where there will be no more evil
You probably have some things - little or large - that you have on your mind.

It may seem strange to be talking about Thankfulness when Thanksgiving is three months away. But our modern Thanksgiving has largely lost the depth and humility of the first one - when a group of settlers had lived through a horrendous winter and death took so many of their group, and then the natives helped to save them from sure starvation that next year. We don't "get" that kind of thankfulness when our Thanksgiving is about family, overeating, traveling, football, Black Friday, or a day off. So, I propose that today - on a beautiful August 2010 day - we take a moment to express our thanks to God. Will you join me?

Providing, Saving, Loving God, we thank you for.....

* CCLI Song No. 5614390
© 2009 WeMobile Music by
Tommy Walker

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