Monday, August 9, 2010

"To the Ends of the Earth"

Love unfailing
Overtaking my heart
You take me in
Finding peace again
Fear is lost in all You are

And I would give the world
To tell Your story
'Cause I know that You've called me
I know that You've called me
I've lost myself for good
Within Your promise
And I won't hide it
I won't hide it

Jesus I believe in You
And I would go
To the ends of the earth
To the ends of the earth
For You alone are the Son of God
And all the world will see
That You are God
That You are God

Tonight's blog/prayer entry is simply based on Isaiah 66:

1This is what the Lord says:

Heaven is my throne.
The earth is my footstool.
Where can you build a house or resting place for me?
2I have made all these things.
“That is why all these things have come into being,”
declares the
I will pay attention to those
who are humble and sorry for their sins
and who tremble at my word.

18Because of their actions and their thoughts,
I am coming to gather the nations of every language.
They will come and see my glory.

They will tell about my glory among the nations.

22“The new heaven and earth that I am about to make
will continue in my presence,” declares the
“So your descendants and your name
will also continue in my presence.
23From one month to the next and from one week to the next
all people will come to worship me,
” declares the Lord. (Isa. 66 GW)

Great Big God,

Hear our prayers of confession ... forgive our us from our sinful nature. We join with all of heaven and believers on Earth in proclaiming your glory, your grace, your salvation. You said you are coming for us, and we believe, Lord! We claim your promises and stand on the truth of your Word. Gather us and all believers in all times and places into unity for your Kingdom. May your children rise up and worship you wholeheartedly. We pray for those in our world who need to come to salvation, who need your healing, your freedom, your love, your power. We pray especially for those who are far, far away from you and pray that by your Spirit you would draw them into your arms, break their hearts of stone, and give them hearts for you alone. Help us to be light-bearers and truth-speakers and love-givers in our local world and in the greater world beyond our community. Give us courage to go to the ends of the earth with the good news of salvation in Jesus. In his name we pray, Amen.

"You Said"

You said
Ask and you will receive
Whatever you need
You said pray and I'll hear from heaven
And I'll heal your land

You said
Your glory will fill the earth
Like water the sea
You said
Lift up your eyes
The harvest is here
The kingdom is here

You said
Ask and I'll give the nations to you
O Lord that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands
Will see Your light as it rises on us
Oh Lord I ask for the nations...

© 1998 Hillsong Publishing (Admin. in U.S. & Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music)
by Reuben Morgan

To the Ends of the Earth -
- Joel Houston & Marty Sampson 2002 Hillsong Publishing (Admin. in U.S. & Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music)

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