Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I've just finished reading "The Message's" version of Luke 24. In part of this chapter, two disciples on the way to Emmaus have a conversation with a (perceived) stranger who explains every prophecy of the Messiah and how Jesus fulfilled them. They didn't realize this stranger was Jesus until they sat down to supper and he broke the bread - and then disappeared! What was their response? "Didn't we feel on fire as he conversed with us on the road, as he opened up the Scriptures for us?" (v. 32)

In the last section of this book Jesus explains a few more things to them, gives them their (our) commission, and then ascends to heaven. But not before giving this strange directive: "I am sending what my Father promised to you, so stay here in the city until he arrives, until you're equipped with power from on high." (v. 49) We know the disciples are soon "equipped with power from on high" when the Holy Spirit comes upon them at Pentecost.
This leads me to a variety of questions - and prayers ---

When have I/you felt "on fire" as you spent time with Jesus? Has it been lately?

God, give us hunger for your presence, for spending time with you, for being quiet and waiting for you....

What is my/your response when you break the bread and taste the wine of communion?

God, give us renewed vision of what it means to "do this always in remembrance" of you...

Am I/are you in a waiting period? Do we have part of our marching orders from God, but not the final umph to get going? How are we using that waiting period?

God, when we are sitting still in life - whether by choice, by circumstance, or by struggle, help us to trust you in the waiting. Help us to wait for your directions and your empowerment so that our lives are Kingdom work.

Holy Spirit, come and do your work......Amen.

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