Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Already - not yet

Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" (Mark 1:14-15 NIV)

13"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. (Mt. 25:13 NIV)

22-26As long as I'm alive in this body, there is good work for me to do. If I had to choose right now, I hardly know which I'd choose. Hard choice! The desire to break camp here and be with Christ is powerful. Some days I can think of nothing better. But most days, because of what you are going through, I am sure that it's better for me to stick it out here. So I plan to be around awhile, companion to you as your growth and joy in this life of trusting God continues. You can start looking forward to a great reunion when I come visit you again. We'll be praising Christ, enjoying each other. (Philippians 1 MSG)

"All your life, no one will be able to hold out against you. In the same way I was with Moses, I'll be with you. I won't give up on you; I won't leave you. Strength! Courage! You are going to lead this people to inherit the land that I promised to give their ancestors. Give it everything you have, heart and soul. ...Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take." (Joshua 1:3-9 MSG)

For awhile now there has been something rolling around within me about the "already" and the "not yet." In the Christian Church this refers to the "already" of Jesus' first coming 2000+ years ago and the "not yet" of his return. In the meantime, we live in this strange place between the two; we live in these "end times" that won't be ended until Jesus' return is fulfilled.

Last night as I was thinking about this "already"/"not yet" world we live in, I came to a different question: "All ready?" and the common answer: "Not yet." "All ready" to leave for church? "Not yet;" still have two sets of shoes and the pantry goods to gather up. "All ready" for bed?" "Not yet;" let's read 7 more stories! For someone hosting a party this weekend, the "All ready?" is probably (as of Wednesday) a "Not yet." And for a family, asked "All ready?" while packing and preparing to relocate their family out of state, is probably a "not yet." If someone asked you today if you were "all ready" to go to heaven, would you give them a "not yet"?

Sometimes when we are asked "all ready?" the answer of "not yet" because we are in such a middle of a storm - of whatever nature - and we can't even figure out what "ready" would be like. That's part of the struggle of living in the "already/not yet" world; there are times when things are just hard. But when we are in that storm, we can count on God for strength and endurance; this "not ready" state will not last forever.

To quote from 2 Cor. 4 - in a song (of course):

I am pressed but not crushed
Persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
I am blessed beyond the curse
For His promise will endure
That His joy's gonna be my strength
Though the sorrow may last for the night
His joy comes with the morning***

Having the knowledge that Christ died once and for all so we could be offered, accept, and live in grace, is a wonderfully empowering and freeing state. But, we haven't been freed from the struggles of this world; indeed, the Creation groans for the fulfillment of time and the perfecting work of the Creator. So, we live in this state of "already/not yet," with all its joys, struggles, assurances, and trials. But when asked if we are "all ready" for Christ's return, we can boldly and confidently say "YES, LORD, YES; AMEN!"

Thank you, Jesus for coming in humility and dying for our sins. Thank you for the joy, freedom, grace, and abundant life that you offer to us. Thank you for your promises that you will return some day to gather up your chosen children into glory. Thank you for your Word, for your courage, for your strength and power when we face the uncertainties and storms of this life. We await your final return to this "not yet" world - and the completion and perfection of your Creation. Maranatha: Come, Lord Jesus, come....we pray in your name, Amen.

“As the messiahship of Christ involved two phases, a coming in humility to suffer and die, and a coming in power and glory to reign, so the kingdom is to be manifested in two realms: the present realm of righteousness or salvation when men may accept or reject the kingdom, and the future realm when the powers of the kingdom shall be manifested in visible glory. The former was inaugurated in insignificant beginnings without outward display, and those who accept it are to live intermingled with those who reject it until the consummation. Then the kingdom will be disclosed in a mighty manifestation of power and glory. God’s kingdom will come; and the ultimate state will witness the perfect realization of the will of God everywhere and forever.” *

*** "Trading My Sorrows" by Darrell Evans (c) 1998 Integrity's Hosanna! Music

* http://www.enjoyinggodministries.com/article/the-kingdom-of-god-already-but-not-yet-part-i/

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