Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 19, 2021- God of the Reset

God of the Reset,

How great are your works, O LORD! Your thoughts are very deep; you are on high forever.  Your eyes are on the righteous and your ears are attentive to their prayer. You love justice and do not forsake your godly ones.  Today, God, we pray for a divine reset in our world - not a "reset" that involves realignment of earthly power, finances, resources, and control, but a reset where you break the power of the wicked.  We come to You now thanking you for the power of the covenant blood of Jesus over all witchcraft and the occult, over the worldwide systems of evil seeking to take control in the United States and other nations. Send your warrior angels to uproot and remove all the lawless ones and everything that causes sin.  Let the occult shields of protection be taken away from everyone involved in theft, fraud, and corruption so they are exposed by your Light. We pray in the powerful name of Jesus that all witchcraft manipulation be brought to an end in and over the our federal Congress, Judicial Branch, and Executive Branch and over all state executives, courts and legislatures. We know the face of the Lord is against those who do evil and the future of the wicked will be destroyed. So we pray for a reset that breaks the power of the wicked and, instead, releases the power of your Justice and Peace. Give your faithful ones patience as we wait for you to act; help us not to grow weary in doing good for we know that if we do not give up we will reap a harvest from you. By your grace, make us strong, firm, and steadfast as we wait for you to tread upon the wicked as if they were dust under your feet. By the power of Holy Spirit, move your angel armies, your Church, and your People in such a way that you break the power of the wicked and usher in a great reset.  In the strong name of Christ we pray, Amen.

"Better the little that the righteous have
than the wealth of many wicked;
for the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous." (Psalm 37:16-17 NIV)
"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
(1 Peter 3:12 NIV)

"For the Lord loves justice And does not forsake His godly ones; They are preserved forever, But the descendants of the wicked will be cut off."
(Psalm 37:28 NIV)

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." (1 Peter 5:10 NIV)

"As for transgressors, they will be completely destroyed; The future of the wicked will be cut off." (Psalm 37:38 AMP)

"'On the day when I act, you will tread upon the wicked as if they were dust under your feet,' says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies."  (Malachi 4:3)

"How great are your works, O LORD! Your thoughts are very deep! The stupid man cannot know; the fool cannot understand this: that though the wicked sprout like grass and all evildoers flourish, they are doomed to destruction forever; but you, O LORD, are on high forever. For behold, your enemies, O LORD, for behold, your enemies shall perish; all evildoers shall be scattered." (Psalm 92:5-9 ESV)

"The Son of Man will send his messengers, and they will uproot everything out of his kingdom. All the lawless ones and everything that causes sin will be removed." (Matthew 13:41 TPT)

"‘...do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them...their protection is gone...their protection is gone...their protection is gone...but the Lord is with us...Do not be afraid of them.’"(Numbers 14:9)
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9 NIV)

"So may God's plumb-line, straight,
define our measure true,
and justice, right, and peace pervade
this world our whole life through." (Jane Parker Huber, Aaron Williams)

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