Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A God who comes to save

When darkness falls and sorrow finds me
This joy I know comes in the morning

When all seems lost and strength is fading
This hope I've found is everlasting, everlasting

Now faith is here and strength is rising
This grace You've shown is so amazing, so amazing

Our God has come to save
He holds us in His hands
His promise will remain
His Kingdom has no end
God has come God has come*

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  (Romans 12:12 NIV)

Messiah, the God who saves, thank you for the gift of life which you pour into us.  Thank you for our blessings, both known and unknown.  Thank you for your presence and promise in the midst of darkness, trials, and lost-ness. God of hope who fills us with all joy in our believing, we pray that you will encourage us with hope today -- hope for life, for our families, friends, and neighbors, for marriages, and for those lost and far from you.  We pray you would give us patience to endure the trials we face.   May our faith in you be strengthened and our prayers be heard and answered.  In the strong name of Christ.  Amen

*"God Has Come"
CCLI Song No. 5198098
¬© 2008 Integrity's Hosanna! Music 
by Glenn Packiam

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