Tuesday, July 7, 2009

With all faith...follow

This Sunday our pastor challenged us to wade in faith into the "water" of our lives - to follow Christ wherever he goes.  I was realizing that sometimes (ok, a lot of the time) I have questions about things of the faith.  So, the prayer for this week is about those questions and about that faith to follow.


Just as Jesus called the disciples, "come and follow me," and they went, we also hear your call.  But, like others, we may have questions or concerns.  Help us to surrender those to you and be in a listening posture to hear your voice.  

 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' (Jer. 33:3 NIV)

You word says when we call out to you, you will tell us great things, so we call out to you.

Press in to the heart of the Father
Hold fast to the grace received
Breathe in the life of the Spirit
And with all faith believe
And with all faith believe
                   ("With All Faith" by Don Harris - (C) 1999 Integrity's Hosanna! Music)

Give us courage, faith, and fortitude to press into your heart, to hold fast to your grace, to breathe in the Spirit's life, and to believe in you. 

  "Arise, shine, for your light has come, 
       and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.

 See, darkness covers the earth 
       and thick darkness is over the peoples, 
       but the LORD rises upon you 
       and his glory appears over you.
  (Isa. 60:1-2 NIV)

May we bask in your glory this week, even as we ask questions and seek your paths.


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