Thursday, June 17, 2021

Psalm 86 Prayer for the nation

Saving God,

Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; your works and your miracles are incomparable. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, bringing glory to your name.  You are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.   Lord, hear and answer your people in this nation in this hour.  We are in deep trouble, broken, humbled, and desperately needing your help.  Arrogant foes attack your people, your Church and this nation.  Ruthless people who have no regard for you are trying to destroy us. Their deceptive and evil ideas have permeated this society so that its institutions, people, and even your Church are attacked, misled, and degraded.  Hear our prayers, Lord, and protect and save those who serve you and trust in you.  You are our God; have mercy on us and answer us as we put our trust in you.   May your strength become our strength and save us.  Give us a sign of your goodness so our those who hate us will be put to shame, for you, Lord have helped and comforted us.  You are forgiving and good, abounding in love, to all who call on you.  You are compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and faithful.  Bring us deeply into a fuller knowledge of your ways, Lord, so we may rely on your truth and faithfulness.  Give us undivided hearts so we fear your name.  We will praise you, Lord, our God, with all our hearts and glorify your name forever. You have delivered us from the deepest place of darkness and you love us so much Jesus died for our sins and you have placed your Spirit within us.  Rescue your people, your Church, and this nation from the wickedness that has infiltrated it. Break the power of the wicked and protect your righteous ones.  We claim in the name of Jesus that no weapon formed against your people, your Church, or this nation will prevail.  We are servants of the Lord and his vindication is ours.  In Jesus's name, Amen. 

No weapon forged against you will prevail,
    and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
    and this is their vindication from me,”
declares the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17 NIV)

The power of the wicked will be broken,
    but the Lord upholds the righteous. (Psalm 37:17 NIV)

Hear me, Lord, and answer me,
    for I am poor and needy.
Guard my life, for I am faithful to you;
    save your servant who trusts in you.
You are my God; 
have mercy on me, Lord,
    for I call to you all day long.
Bring joy to your servant, Lord,
    for I put my trust in you.
You, Lord, are forgiving and good,
    abounding in love to all who call to you.
Hear my prayer, Lord;
    listen to my cry for mercy.
When I am in distress, I call to you,
    because you answer me.
Among the gods there is none like you, Lord;
    no deeds can compare with yours.
All the nations you have made
    will come and worship before you, Lord;
    they will bring glory to your name.
10 For you are great and do marvelous deeds;
    you alone are God.
11 Teach me your way, Lord,
    that I may rely on your faithfulness;
give me an undivided heart,
    that I may fear your name.
12 I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart;
    I will glorify your name forever.
13 For great is your love toward me;
    you have delivered me from the depths,
    from the realm of the dead.
14 Arrogant foes are attacking me, O God;
    ruthless people are trying to kill me—
    they have no regard for you.
15 But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
    slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
16 Turn to me and have mercy on me;
    show your strength in behalf of your servant;
save me, because I serve you
    just as my mother did.
17 Give me a sign of your goodness,
    that my enemies may see it and be put to shame,
    for you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me. (Psalm 86 NIV)

Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer.
    I am in deep trouble. I’m broken and humbled,
    and I desperately need your help.
Guard my life, for I’m your faithful friend, your loyal servant for life.
    I turn to you in faith, my God, my hero; come and rescue me!
Lord God, hear my constant cry for help;
    show me your favor and bring me to your fountain of grace!
Restore joy to your loving servant once again,
    for all I am is yours, O God.
Lord, you are so good to me, so kind in every way
    and ready to forgive,
    for your grace-fountain keeps overflowing,
    drenching all your devoted lovers who pray to you.
God, won’t you pay attention to this urgent cry?
    Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer.
Whenever trouble strikes, I will keep crying out to you,
    for I know your help is on the way.
God, there’s no one like you;
    there’s no other god as famous as you.
    You outshine all others, and your miracles make it easy to know you.
Lord Almighty, you are the one who created all the nations.
    Look at them—they’re all on their way!
    Yes, the day will come when they all will worship you
    and put your glory on display.
10 You are the one and only God.
    What miracles! What wonders! What greatness belongs to you!
11 Teach me more about you, how you work and how you move,
    so that I can walk onward in your truth
    until everything within me brings honor to your name.
12 With all my heart and passion I will thank you, my God!
    I will give glory to your name, always and forever!
13 You love me so much, and you have placed your greatness upon me.
    You rescued me from the deepest place of darkness,
    and you have delivered me from a certain death.
14 God, look at how these arrogant ones have defied me.
    Like a vicious band of violent men, they have tried to kill me.
    They wouldn’t worry for a moment that they were sinning against you!
15 But Lord, your nurturing love is tender and gentle.
    You are slow to get angry yet so swift to show your faithful love.
    You are full of abounding grace and truth.
16 Bring me to your grace-fountain
    so that your strength becomes mine.
    Be my hero and come rescue your servant once again!
17 Send me a miraculous sign to show me how much you love me,
    so that those who hate me will see it and be ashamed.
    Don’t they know that you, Lord, are my comforter,
    the one who comes to help me? (Psalm 86 TPT)

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