Thursday, June 24, 2021

Prayer request for educational systems

 From an email prayer list based in our state:

The schools is a trending topic in America right now. Rightfully so. 

I have a specific prayer request for our state's schools. 

  • Pray that the DIRTY and the DEMONIC get uncovered SOON 
  • Pray for a Holy Spirit awakening in parents, school boards, teachers and in students 
  • Pray for the leaders that are GETTING TO THIS INFORMATION [about evil in schools] - God will show them a plan, a strategic roadmap for pushing the info out there, and that He will fill them with hope and solutions 
  • Pray for an INCREASE OF ANGELIC WARRIORS around these leaders that are encountering the dirty facts, the dangerous information that the enemy (spiritual and physical) does not want us to see. When one gets access to truth, it can be burdensome, it can be wearying, and it can be defeating. Pray for the Christian men and women that are in key places of influence and power in our state when it comes to Education that they will KNOW THE NEARNESS OF GOD, WILL know great REST, will have great PEACE AND JOY and that Holy Spirit will closely protect them and their teams and loved ones as they work to reveal this information 
  • Pray also for the grassroots/citizen leaders that as they “catch” the football of info, God will show them how to run the play with strategy, wisdom, favor and effectiveness 
  • Pray for those who are CAUGHT in this demonic trap — that as their hearts start to turn to Him, as they get “caught” in their dirty work, as they get exposed — God will have Christians positioned around them to catch them as they turn to Him. 

Please please please pray for EDUCATION AND OUR EDUCATION LEADERS. 

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