Friday, June 18, 2021

Psalm 87 - Thanksgiving for God's love and prayer for the nation

Loving God,

Thank you that you love your home - your people - and your presence within your people.  Thank you that you love all people, no matter what people group, ethnicity, or location they are from.  Thank you that you love us so much you do not let us stay in our sin, but call us into relationship with you - to be born again into your family and empowered by Holy Spirit. You established your people to be a blessing to the world and so we pray for this world. We pray you will release a new fire of revival into this generation and generations to come.  Pour out your presence across this land as you did in past revivals; rebirth us.  Heal our hearts, minds, emotions and relationships.  Make your Church in this nation one in heart, mind, spirit and purpose in Christ Jesus. Pour out your Spirit so the lost hear you call of the invitation to Love, and they respond with joy, becoming your children. Pour out Holy Spirit on us and through your Church so systemic poverty, the killing of pre-born children, human trafficking, senseless violence, and gang warfare are all stopped, in Jesus's name.  Fill policy-makers with your Spirit, or remove them from their roles. Break the power of the wicked in their global agendas and give us godly, just, and righteous solutions to the ills of our society. May we dance and sing for joy as you gather all your children to the center of your heart and your presence. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.

"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10 NIV)
"Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” (John 3:3 NIV)
"The power of the wicked will be broken,    but the Lord upholds the righteous." (Psalm 37:17 NIV)

1-3 He founded Zion on the Holy Mountain—

    and oh, how God loves his home!

Loves it far better than all

    the homes of Jacob put together!

God’s hometown—oh!

    everyone there is talking about you!

I name them off, those among whom I’m famous:

    Egypt and Babylon,

    also Philistia,

    even Tyre, along with Cush.

Word’s getting around; they point them out:

    “This one was born again here!”

The word’s getting out on Zion:

    “Men and women, right and left,

    get born again in her!”

God registers their names in his book:

    “This one, this one, and this one—

    born again, right here.”

Singers and dancers give credit to Zion:

    “All my springs are in you!” (Psalm 87 The Message)

High upon his hills of holiness stands God’s city.

How God loves the gates of Zion, his favorite place on earth.

So many glorious things have been proclaimed

    over Zion, God’s holy city!

Pause in his presence

For the Lord says, “Here are the nations

    who will acknowledge me as God:

    Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, and the Mediterranean people,

    even distant Ethiopia.

    They will all boast, ‘I was born in Zion!’ ”

But over Zion it will be said,

    “The mighty Man was born there, and he will establish it.”

    For the God Most High will truly bless Jerusalem.

And when he counts her citizens, recording them in his registry,

    he will write by their names: “This one was born again here!”

Pause in his presence

And the princes of God’s feasts will sing and dance, singing,

    “Every fountain of delight springs up from your life within me!” (Psalm 87 TPT)

He has founded his city on the holy mountain.

The Lord loves the gates of Zion

    more than all the other dwellings of Jacob.

Glorious things are said of you,

    city of God:

“I will record Rahab and Babylon

    among those who acknowledge me—

Philistia too, and Tyre, along with Cush—

    and will say, ‘This one was born in Zion.’”

Indeed, of Zion it will be said,

    “This one and that one were born in her,

    and the Most High himself will establish her.”

The Lord will write in the register of the peoples:

    “This one was born in Zion.”

As they make music they will sing,

    “All my fountains are in you.” (Psalm 87 NIV)

Some ideas of this prayer are from Give Him 15 prayer for 6/18/21: 

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