Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Psalm 80 Rescue, revive, and restore this nation

Nation-planting God,

God-Enthroned, be revealed in splendor as you ride upon the cherubim! How perfectly you lead us, a people set free from sin and death. Loving Shepherd—listen to our hearts’ cry! Shine forth from your throne of dazzling light. Stir up your power and come save your people!  Revive and restore us, O God; cause your face to shine upon us with favor and approval so we can be saved.  Remember how you transplanted your people from Europe, Africa, and Asia to North America and here began a new nation.  The roots of these transplanted ones went deep into the soil and filled the land with fruitfulness because of your favor upon this nation, blessing every mountain of influence.  Because of your flourishing people, many nations were mightily blessed.  Yet, our nation is now hurting.  Our borders are insecure, our government is inept (at best), our moral compass is confused, our people are bitterly divided, and it seems that other nations and other evil groups are ravaging us.  Revive and restore us, O God; cause your face to shine upon us with favor and approval so we can be saved. When our prayers for this nation seem ignored, it can seem you are angry with the prayers of your people.  It can seem you are feeding us the bread of tears, and you are making us drink bitter tears in abundance.  This nation's presence has become a thorn in the side of other nations, and now they just laugh at us with their mocking scorn.  Revive and restore us, O God; cause your face to shine upon us with favor and approval so we can be saved.  Commander of Angel Armies, as we cry out to you, look to this nation in crisis and, by your Spirit, move in this lovely land again.  Nurture her with your loving care.  Clean out the weeds of selfishness, apathy, fear, socialism, marxism, communism, racism, and hatred.  Burn them in your fire and may they perish at your rebuke.  Revive us again, that we may trust in you. Let your hand be upon your children who you have made strong for such a time as this. Revive and restore us, O God; cause your face to shine upon us with favor and approval so we can be saved. By the power of Holy Spirit and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray, Amen!


Hear us O Shepherd of Israel,

You who lead Joseph like a flock;

You who sit enthroned above the cherubim [of the ark of the covenant], shine forth!

Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up Your power

And come to save us!

Restore us, O God;

Cause Your face to shine on us [with favor and approval], and we will be saved.

O Lord God of hosts,

How long will You be angry with the prayers of Your people?

You have fed them the bread of tears,

And You have made them drink [bitter] tears in abundance.

You make us an object of contention to our neighbors,

And our enemies laugh [at our suffering] among themselves.

Restore us, O God of hosts;

And cause Your face to shine on us [with favor and approval], and we will be saved.

You uprooted a vine (Israel) from Egypt;

You drove out the [Canaanite] nations and planted the vine [in Canaan].

You cleared away the ground before it,

And it took deep root and filled the land.

10 The mountains were covered with its shadow,

And its branches were like the cedars of God.

11 Israel sent out its branches to the [Mediterranean] Sea,

And its branches to the [Euphrates] River.

12 Why have You broken down its walls and hedges,

So that all who pass by pick its fruit?

13 A boar from the woods eats it away,

And the insects of the field feed on it.

14 Turn again [in favor to us], O God of hosts;

Look down from heaven and see, and take care of this vine,

15 Even the stock which Your right hand has planted,

And [look down on] the son that You have reared and strengthened for Yourself.

16 It is burned with fire, it is cut down;

They perish at the rebuke of Your [angry] appearance.

17 Let Your hand be upon the man of Your right hand,

Upon the son of man whom You have made strong for Yourself.

18 Then we shall not turn back from You;

Revive us and we will call on Your name.

19 Restore us, O Lord God of hosts;

Cause Your face to shine on us [in favor and approval], and we shall be saved.  (Psalm 80 AMP) 

God-Enthroned, be revealed in splendor

    as you ride upon the cherubim!

    How perfectly you lead us, a people set free.

    Loving shepherd of Israel—listen to our hearts’ cry!

    Shine forth from your throne of dazzling light.

In the sight of Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh,

    stir up your mighty power in full display before our eyes.

    Break through and reveal yourself by coming to our rescue.

Revive us, O God! Let your beaming face shine upon us

    with the sunrise rays of glory;

    then nothing will be able to stop us.

O God, the mighty Commander of Angel Armies,

    how much longer will you smolder in anger?

    How much longer will you be disgusted with your people

    even when they pray?

You have fed us with sorrow and grief

    and made us drink our tears by the bowlful.

You’ve made us a thorn in the side of all the neighboring lands,

    and now they just laugh at us with their mocking scorn.

Come back, come back, O God, and restore us!

    You are the Commander of Angel Armies.

    Let your beaming face shine upon us with the sunrise rays of glory,

    and then nothing will be able to stop us!

8–9 Remember how you transplanted us here

    like a tender vine from Egypt.

    You cleared the land for your vineyard,

    evicting the nations from your land and planting us here.

    The roots of your vineyard went deep into the soil

    and filled the land with fruit.

10–11 Because of your favor on your vineyard,

    blessing extended to every mountain of influence.

    Through this flourishing vineyard mighty ones were raised up.

    The nations were blessed by your fruitful vineyard of Israel,

    all the way from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates.

12–13 So Lord, why have you broken down

    your fence of favor around us?

    Trespassers can steal the fruit from off our vines,

    and now every wild beast comes

    breaking through our wall to ravage us.

    You’ve left us without protection!

14 Come back, come back, O God to restore us!

    You are the Commander of Angel Armies.

    Look down from heaven and see our crisis.

    Come down and care for your lovely vineyard once again.

15 Nurture our root and our fruit with your loving care.

    Raise up the Branch-Man, the Son whom you’ve made strong.

16 Enemies chopped down our vine and set it on fire;

    now show them your anger and let them perish by your frown.

17 Strengthen this Branch-Man, the Son of your love,

    the Son of Man who dwells at your right hand.

18 Then we will never turn back from you.

    Revive us again, that we may trust in you.

19 O God, the mighty Commander of Angel Armies,

    come back and rescue us!

    Let your beaming face shine upon us

    with the sunrise rays of glory.

    Then nothing will ever stop us again!  (Psalm 80 TPT)

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