Saturday, June 5, 2021

Psalm 77 Prayer for our nation

El Shaddai and Adonai, 

We hear the soul of this nation crying out.  The blood of those who died to begin and preserve her now cries out to you, All-Powerful God, for help.  The spirits of Christians all over this land cry out to you to hear us as we seek our Lord, stretching out untiring hands in the face of the attacks and darkness around us.  We remember, God, how you have guided men and women in the past; we remember and groan because the circumstances of today look so dark.  We think about the days and years of long ago, remembering the songs sung to you at night, and ask:  Will the Lord reject us today or will you show your favor again?  Has your unfailing love vanished from this nation and have you withdrawn your promises?  Have you forgotten to be merciful or, in your righteous anger, are you withholding your compassion upon this nation?  We remember your deeds in the past, your miracles of long ago.  Your ways, God are holy; there is no god as great as you.  You perform miracles and display your power among the people.  With your mighty arm you have redeemed your people and rescued them from storms of conflict, strife, and even war.  Just like you led the Israelites through the Red Sea, we cry out to you to create a safe path through this current storm of circumstances and chaos.  We beg you to lead your people deeply into your presence, into your holiness, and teach us your will and ways.  Instill in us a desire to live out your righteousness and speak your Truth into our circumstances.  Guard us as we cast off nonchalant and mediocre Christianity and religiosity and, instead, chase after you with full fervency.  Guard our faith, our finances, and our future.  Give us wisdom as to how to steward this nation that is divided and hurting so badly right now.  Break the power of the wickedness that is on our nation and uphold your righteous children.  We remember the many ways in which you provided good and godly leaders in our past, and we pray you will rise up a generation of good and godly leaders for such a time as now.  May there be Moseses, Joshuas, Esthers, Deborahs, Peters, Pauls, and many others who hear your voice and follow your leading as they boldly stand against the demonic forces at play today. May godly leaders and average people boldly stand for your Truth, Justice, and Righteousness.  By your Grace, may we remember our past, and may this nation be saved so it can be a beacon of Light for generations to come.  In the powerful name of Christ we pray, Amen.  

The power of the wicked will be broken,
    but the Lord upholds the righteous. (Psalm 37:17 NIV)

I cried out to God for help;

    I cried out to God to hear me.

When I was in distress, I sought the Lord;

    at night I stretched out untiring hands,

    and I would not be comforted.

I remembered you, God, and I groaned;

    I meditated, and my spirit grew faint.[b]

You kept my eyes from closing;

    I was too troubled to speak.

I thought about the former days,

    the years of long ago;

I remembered my songs in the night.

    My heart meditated and my spirit asked:

“Will the Lord reject forever?

    Will he never show his favor again?

Has his unfailing love vanished forever?

    Has his promise failed for all time?

Has God forgotten to be merciful?

    Has he in anger withheld his compassion?”

10 Then I thought, “To this I will appeal:

    the years when the Most High stretched out his right hand.

11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord;

    yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.

12 I will consider all your works

    and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

13 Your ways, God, are holy.

    What god is as great as our God?

14 You are the God who performs miracles;

    you display your power among the peoples.

15 With your mighty arm you redeemed your people,

    the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.

16 The waters saw you, God,

    the waters saw you and writhed;

    the very depths were convulsed.

17 The clouds poured down water,

    the heavens resounded with thunder;

    your arrows flashed back and forth.

18 Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind,

    your lightning lit up the world;

    the earth trembled and quaked.

19 Your path led through the sea,

    your way through the mighty waters,

    though your footprints were not seen.

20 You led your people like a flock

    by the hand of Moses and Aaron. (Psalm 77 NIV)

I poured out my complaint to you, God.

    I lifted up my voice, shouting out for your help.

When I was in deep distress, in my day of trouble,

    I reached out for you with hands stretched out to heaven.

    Over and over I kept looking for you, God,

    but your comforting grace was nowhere to be found.

As I thought of you I moaned, “God, where are you?”

    I’m overwhelmed with despair as I wait for your help to arrive.

Pause in his presence

I can’t get a wink of sleep until you come and comfort me.

    Now I’m too burdened to even pray!

My mind wandered, thinking of days gone by—

    the years long since passed.

Then I remembered the worship songs I used to sing

    in the night seasons,

    and my heart began to fill again with thoughts of you.

    So my spirit went out once more in search of you.

Would you really walk off and leave me forever, my Lord God?

    Won’t you show me your kind favor, delighting in me again?

Has your well of sweet mercy dried up?

    Will your promises never come true?

Have you somehow forgotten to show me love?

    Are you so angry that you’ve closed

    your heart of compassion toward me?

Pause in his presence

10 Lord, what wounds me most is that it’s somehow my fault that

    you’ve changed your heart toward me

    and I no longer see the years of the Mighty One

    or your right hand of power.

11 Yet I could never forget all your miracles, my God,

    as I remember all your wonders of old.

12 I ponder all you’ve done, Lord, musing on all your miracles.

13 It’s here in your presence, in your sanctuary,

    where I learn more of your ways,

    for holiness is revealed in everything you do.

    Lord, you’re the one and only, the great and glorious God!

14 Your display of wonders, miracles, and power

    makes the nations acknowledge you.

15 By your glory-bursts you’ve rescued us over and over.

    Just ask the sons of Jacob or

    the sons of Joseph, and they will tell you!

    And all of us, your beloved ones, know that it’s true!

Pause in his presence

16 When the many waters of the Red Sea took one look at you,

    they were afraid and ran away to hide—

    trembling to its depths!

17 Storm clouds filled with water high in the skies;

    cloudbursts and thunderclaps announced your approach.

    Lightning-flashes lit up the landscape.

18 Rolling whirlwinds exploded with sonic booms of thunder,

    rumbling as the skies shouted out your story

    with light and sound and wind.

    Everything on earth shook and trembled as you drew near.

19 Your steps formed a highway through the seas

    with footprints on a pathway no one even knew was there.

20 You led your people forward by your loving hand,

    blessed by the leadership of Moses and Aaron. (Psalm 77 TPT)

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