Tuesday, November 17, 2020

November 17, 2020 Prayer - Righteousness and Rulers

Righteous and Just God, 

We pray for a returning to you and your Righteousness in this nation, and especially in her government.  You have spoken about our rebellion and sin against you; we know our collective guilt is great as we have turned our backs on you.  Our nation is spiritually desolate, our cities burned by fire, our morals and values stripped by ideas and worldviews that are foreign to your righteous principles.  Sometimes it seems that when we approach you in prayer you hide yourself from us and do not listen.  Yet, we come, trusting that when we confess our sins, you will be faithful to forgive us as individuals and as a nation.  You will wash us in the blood of Christ and, by your Spirit, we can learn to live in a way that is right, true, and just. So, we plead with you to make our sins that are like scarlet whiter than snow.  Help us to be willing and obedient to hear what your Voice speaks and to act accordingly.  Help us not to resist and rebel, but to hear how your mouth has spoken to us, even in our unfaithfulness.  Restore us to right relationship with you.  By your Spirit and your Church, convict our rulers who are rebels - partners with thieves - those who love bribes and chase after gifts.  Break rebels and sinners so that they can turn toward you. Give courage and protection to whistleblowers, their families, and livelihoods so that they may stand for truth, justice, and righteousness in our governmental systems.  With irrefutable evidence, bring into your Light and the consciousness of this nation any fraud, corruption, and injustice being perpetrated by government officials at any level.  May this exposure lead to convictions and lead to righteousness in our nation.  Help godly leaders to defend the causes of those who do not have power in this nation.  Thoroughly purge away our impurities and restore leaders to us who will lead this nation in Righteousness, Faithfulness, and Justice.  In the strong name of Christ I pray, Amen.  

Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth!
    For the Lord has spoken:
“I reared children and brought them up,
    but they have rebelled against me.
3 The ox knows its master,
    the donkey its owner’s manger,
but Israel does not know,
    my people do not understand.”
4 Woe to the sinful nation,
    a people whose guilt is great,
a brood of evildoers,
    children given to corruption!
They have forsaken the Lord;
    they have spurned the Holy One of Israel
    and turned their backs on him.
5 Why should you be beaten anymore?
    Why do you persist in rebellion?
Your whole head is injured,
    your whole heart afflicted.
6 From the sole of your foot to the top of your head
    there is no soundness—
only wounds and welts
    and open sores,
not cleansed or bandaged
    or soothed with olive oil.

7 Your country is desolate,
    your cities burned with fire;
your fields are being stripped by foreigners
    right before you,
    laid waste as when overthrown by strangers.
8 Daughter Zion is left
    like a shelter in a vineyard,
like a hut in a cucumber field,
    like a city under siege.
9 Unless the Lord Almighty
    had left us some survivors,
we would have become like Sodom,
    we would have been like Gomorrah.

15 When you spread out your hands in prayer,
    I hide my eyes from you;
even when you offer many prayers,
    I am not listening.
Your hands are full of blood!
16 Wash and make yourselves clean.
    Take your evil deeds out of my sight;
    stop doing wrong.

17 Learn to do right; seek justice.
    Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
    plead the case of the widow.
18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,”
    says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
    they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
    they shall be like wool.
19 If you are willing and obedient,
    you will eat the good things of the land;
20 but if you resist and rebel,
    you will be devoured by the sword.”
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

21 See how the faithful city
    has become a prostitute!
She once was full of justice;
    righteousness used to dwell in her—
    but now murderers!
22 Your silver has become dross,
    your choice wine is diluted with water.
23 Your rulers are rebels,
    partners with thieves;
they all love bribes
    and chase after gifts.
They do not defend the cause of the fatherless;
    the widow’s case does not come before them.
24 Therefore the Lord, the Lord Almighty,
    the Mighty One of Israel, declares:
“Ah! I will vent my wrath on my foes
    and avenge myself on my enemies.
25 I will turn my hand against you;
    I will thoroughly purge away your dross
    and remove all your impurities.
26 I will restore your leaders as in days of old,
    your rulers as at the beginning.
Afterward you will be called
    the City of Righteousness,
    the Faithful City.”
27 Zion will be delivered with justice,
    her penitent ones with righteousness.
28 But rebels and sinners will both be broken,
    and those who forsake the Lord will perish. (Isaiah 1)

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