Saturday, November 21, 2020

November 21, 2020 Prayer - For Children Everywhere


Thank you for all the beautiful and amazing children you create.  Today we pray that your protection and blessing would be upon all children.  We pray you would help us to help them grow in wisdom, stature, and the favor of the Lord. We pray your Word would be known to them and they would have their needs met. And we pray for hope and peace through Jesus Christ.

- for children who do not have enough food to eat
- for children who spend their lives in orphanages or foster care
- for children who never are held, or laughed with, or smiled at, or hugged, or who never know what it means to be loved
- for children growing up and learning to hate other people
- for the millions who have been aborted over the last forty years
- for children in unstable or ungodly family situations
- for children whose circumstances force them to grow up long before they should
- for children pressed into military or terrorist organizations
- for children used or sold in the world sex trades
- for Barron Trump, growing up in the artificial bubble of the White House
- for children whose parents are ill, divorcing, or otherwise going through trauma
- for children whose differences or disabilities are seen as liabilities by others
- for children who are being uprooted when parents have to relocate to support the family
- for children who have never heard of the love, grace, hope and peace offered through Jesus Christ

God in heaven, I make my prayer
For all the people everywhere
Who live in fear or pain or doubt;
Whose homes are gone, and hopes run out.

God in heaven, I make my prayer
For all the children everywhere
Who live in terrible, warring places;
Who live with hunger and strange, sad faces.

God in heaven, I make my prayer
For all good people everywhere
Who live in comfort, love and peace,
And pray sincerely for strife to cease;
But who do not always hear the call
Of those who live with nothing at all.

God in heaven, hear my prayer!
Help all people everywhere
To come closer together in plenty and need,
And to make our world your home, indeed. *

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  (Matthew 19:14)

"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." (Luke 2:52)

*("Prayer for Today" By Margaret Tucker, text by Mary M. Coulson)

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