Thursday, December 24, 2020

December 24, 2020 - Prayer for Fathers

Father God, 
As we look toward the celebration of Christmas, we remember the important role that Joseph played in fathering Jesus.  We thank you for Joseph's heart of love and obedience to listen to the voice of the Lord as he protected and provided for Mary and Jesus.  Today we pray for fathers in our world.  In this chaotic year, many fathers have had the opportunity to work from home and spend more time with their children.  Others have looked with horror as their jobs, livelihoods, and dreams were swept away in societal and economic upheaval.  Still others have never been available to father their children in a meaningful way and those absences lead to staggering statistics of real pain and heartache.  You created us to need a Father in our lives; just as you walked as Father in the Garden with Adam and Eve, it is not an accident you taught us to pray to "our Father."  We know you created every child - boy or girl - to need a father to teach, guide, and love them. Thank you for the things you teach us as our Father - to love, to accept grace and mercy, to treat others as you treat us.  And thank you for the many earthy fathers and people who fill the roles of fathers in our lives:  grandfathers, uncles, coaches, teachers, even older brothers.  We pray today that every child would have their father-shaped place filled with a godly man who trains them up in the fear, admonition, and love of the Lord.  And we pray that each and every child would have the strength, guidance, and comfort of a stable family, the presence of an earthly father, and know the rich and deep love, mercy, and grace of their Heavenly Father.   In Christ's name we pray, Amen. 
Rembrandt, Joseph’s Dream (1645)

"Train children to live the right way,
    and when they are old, they will not stray from it." (Prov. 22:6 NCV)

"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."  (Eph. 6:4 NIV)

"Always remember these commands I give you today. Teach them to your children, and talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them down and tie them to your hands as a sign. Tie them on your forehead to remind you, and write them on your doors and gates." (Deut. 6:6-9 NCV)

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