Monday, September 14, 2020

Psalm 64 Prayer

Hear us O God, as we cry out to you.  Protect the lives of your People and Church from the threats of her enemies.  Hide your People in the cleft of the rock and protect them from the conspiracy of the wicked and the plots of the evildoers.  When men and women choose unrighteous and evil deeds and words, they may assume no one sees their evil and their cunning will carry them.  But You, O Lord, have eyes that move to and fro over this earth and you see, hear, and remember every evil deed.  Nothing that is conceived in darkness is missed by your knowledge.  And no evil deed is ignored by your justice.  So, thwart the plans of the corrupt and unrighteous. Interfere with their malicious intents in media, education, government, arts and entertainment, business, the Church and families.  Scramble their communication, cut off their funding, and then cause their hearts to be turned toward your righteousness and your justice.  By your Spirit draw those who prefer to walk in evil, out of that path and onto a path of righteousness for your name's sake.  May these who do evil now become Children of Light and fear you and proclaim your deeds.  May the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in You. We glorify you with praise, thanksgiving, and worship, for you are mighty, holy, and gracious.  Turn those under the power of darkness to your Light and Life we pray in Jesus's name, Amen. 

Psalm 64

Hear me, my God, as I voice my complaint;

    protect my life from the threat of the enemy.

Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked,

    from the plots of evildoers.

They sharpen their tongues like swords

    and aim cruel words like deadly arrows.

They shoot from ambush at the innocent;

    they shoot suddenly, without fear.

They encourage each other in evil plans,

    they talk about hiding their snares;

    they say, “Who will see it?”

They plot injustice and say,

    “We have devised a perfect plan!”

    Surely the human mind and heart are cunning.

But God will shoot them with his arrows;

    they will suddenly be struck down.

He will turn their own tongues against them

    and bring them to ruin;

    all who see them will shake their heads in scorn.

All people will fear;

    they will proclaim the works of God

    and ponder what he has done.


The righteous will rejoice in the Lord

    and take refuge in him;

    all the upright in heart will glory in him!

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